Friday, June 19, 2009

Thousands of dollars worth of e books with resell rights that can be sold over and over again!

You can sell them on Ebay and many other places and make a fortune!

Check below for the incredible low price for all of this!

"Who Else Wants To Get Their Hands On 10 HOT & Brand NEW Private Label & Master Resell Rights Info Products That You Can Put YOUR Name To?"

..Well now you can because below you will find some of the best products that you can resell and put your name to and keep all of the profits to yourself!

Ready-made products are great aren't they?

You don't have to do much with them and they can be easily resold with very little effort or skills needed! The sales page does all the talking and selling, whilst the product delivers what's been sold and fulfils the buyer's need whilst they come back to you for more in the future!

I'm sure you're already aware of the potential so I'll reserve my speech now and let you have a look below at what's available today!..

Check it out below!..

Info Product #1 - The Seventeen Method
Includes Master Resell Rights!

"Discover The Seventeen Simple 'Tweaks' I Use To Add A Zero Onto The End Of My Email Marketing Earnings"

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that 'the money is in the list' I'd be writing this from my own private island.

Well maybe not quite, but sometimes it's hard to see past the 'old truths' in internet marketing, and that can seriously affect your wealth when the 'old truth' in question is wrong.

Possibly just like you have, I accepted 'the money is in the list' - if everyone was saying it must be right, then I guess it must.

But I was dead wrong - and it cost me.

I spent more time than I care to remember concentrating on generating sales from my 5,000 strong list list. And guess what?

The sales arrived for a while - then they trickled to a slow, painful stop, because I hadn't picked up one one solid fact.

And that was..

The money isn't in the list - it's in the email that you send to the list

How many mailing lists do you subscribe to?

And out of those that you remain subscribed to for more than a few days, how many emails do you actually open?

My guess would be not many.

How do I know? Because as I said above, I had a list of over 5,000 people yet was hardly making enough each month to pay my hosting fees, let alone be a full-time internet marketer.

I should have been making at least $5,000 a month from that list.

So I discarded that list and started building a new one.

I went back to basics and began using some of the simplest yet deadly effective methods that I'd previously ignored as being 'too simple'.

The result was that I made more money in one week from the small list of 1000 people that I built than I did in a whole year from my 5,000 list.

Just because I went back to basics and started thinking about the whole process of email marketing from a new angle.

I subscribed to over 50 of the top mailing lists in internet marketing. I looked back on the products I'd bought in the last 5 years and worked out why I'd bought them, and from whom.

Slowly (very slowly) it dawned on me that the people who made the most money from their lists weren't the ones with the largest lists - they were the ones who used some simple but devastatingly effective 'tweaks' to make sure that their subscribers - their list - looked forward almost in anticipation to their mailings.

So I made changes to my own list, and as I said above - the results were pretty astounding.

Now every time I build a new list I make sure that I use these 'tweaks' on each list - regardless of niche or topic - and my conversion rate and relationship with my subscribers has never been better or more profitable.

Introducing 'The Seventeen Method'.

Know the weird thing? After subscribing for many years to top guru mailing lists I now know that my 'tweaks' correspond to a lot of the methods used by top marketers to optimise their email marketing profits.

If you haven't yet started building a mailing list or you only have small list, then believe it or not you're in the best possible position because you won't have to rebuild your relationship with your list, and re-establish trust. Even if you have an established list, and you've found your sales have dropped off over time, by using 'The Seventeen Method' you'll start to notice changes in your conversion almost immediately.

How to get other people to build your list for you

Get all the product testimonials you need - with one simple email

How to make multiple sales from the same customer - and they'll love you for it.

The secret guru 'tweak' that allows you to follow profits for as long as you wish

Get all the affiliates you need for your products

Let other people do all the work while you pocket recurring payments

Where to find all the ready-made content you need

The genius of the 'example' tweak.

How to have your readers waiting in anticipation for your next email

and much more.......

If you're serious about internet marketing, your list has to take top priority out of all your marketing methods. Cultivated in the correct way, your list can provide you with a regular monthly income.

Many experts will tell you to push your list as hard as you possibly can - sales email after sales email - affiliate link after affiliate link with hardly any content to speak of.

Would you subscribe to a list where you got nothing in return except someone pushing product after product on you, day after day?

Me neither.

But what if there was a way to increase your sales, AND have you subscribers remain loyal and appreciative every time you emailed them?

Well there is - I use it myself - I generate high profits from my list and have an extremely low unsubscribe rate.

It's all down to 'The Seventeen Method'. Dreadful name (so bad you'll remember it) but deadly effective, simplistic information that will change your outlook on email marketing.

If you're not having much response from your email marketing you could sign up for every mailing list you can get your hands on, study them for months, then test and track the response rates of each individual mailing for the next year or so.

Resell Value Of $9-$27!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #2 - Hot New Business
Includes Master Resell Rights!

How Would You Like NOT To Have To EVER Go Back To Your Present Job Again... BY CHOICE!!

Why? Because you will now have the power and the means to decide to quit your job when you are ready... and tell your boss 'bye-bye' without looking back and have absolutely no regrets!

Dear Hard-Working Friend,

Total financial freedom is every man and woman's desire... and it was mine, too. I'm just a regular person with big dreams, hopes and goals - probably very much like you.

Wouldn't you love being able to wake up whenever you want, instead of hearing your alarm and returning to the 'daily grind' like you have for so long?... Very soon, you could be free to choose how you spend your time. Sounds fantastic, huh?

Yes, I have long forgotten the alarm clock and forgotten about commuting to that job I despised for 14 l-o-n-g years, because I now own my own business - and you can do the same, exact thing in less time than you think it's possible!

And I get up when I feel like it, I watch the news and sip a hot cup of Columbian coffee, and then I take a shower... some days I work for only a few hours, and then I goof-off if I want to. Most days I take my dogs for a walk, and often I go for a few rounds of golf with my buddies.
It definitely wasn't always like this...
There was a time when I had a full-time job, worked my fingers to the bone and then came home late with no energy to spend time with my beautiful family... and no time to do the things I really, truly enjoy doing, either.

It was horrible. And I know that most people live like this year after year, because I did too... and I'm guessing that's why you're here right now, because you are doing it, too.

Finally, though, I unlocked the secrets that enabled me to turn it ALL around. Today I am my own boss... leading a life that's financially secure and enjoying it more than anyone could possibly know. How did I do it?
I took the time to research and carefully plan my first online business.

Look, there are a lot of programs 'out there' today... like those "BS instant money systems" and other hypey stuff like that. And, it's incredibly easy to get in way over your head and fall victim to information overload. That's exactly what I did when I started looking into writing this ebook.

But I took the time to research hundreds of programs, systems, and methods... and tried a bunch of different options until I finally discovered the magic combination of what worked best for starting a home business without going crazy in the process.

I will show you how to short-cut the learning curve and do the same exact thing: saving you endless hours of research, saving you the thousands of dollars you could spend trying every new program that hits the web and sounds good - but isn't always.

I am ready to reveal the secrets to my success so you can achieve what I've done all on your own...

In my new ebook I will break down exactly how to gain financial freedom by starting your very own home-based business and I'm so pleased to present this work to you... "Hot New Business: How To Plan And Build Your New Business".

Inside, you'll explore exciting home-based jobs & learn precisely how to make a good living working from your own home:
The exact steps to starting up your own business, in plain English

Planning your business and getting financing as needed for your niche

Working out the legal aspects of your home business

How to get your new business up and running with no big investments

Here is the best part: you can pick a method that suits your skills and your available time, because I cover the topics in detail, including:

Make money doing big company Surveys

Profit from Affiliate Marketing

Learn how to earn as a Virtual Assistant (VA)

Exercise your talents and skills as an Elance provider

Earning from Ebay and Amazon

Setting up your own ebook business with

Successfully running a home-based call center

Home Based Internet Marketing Tactics

And lots more valuable info you'll need to get going faster!

At this point, you can see that this product contains a TON of valuable information - and it's not at all difficult to understand and begin implementing.

Just do one thing at a time, then move to the next logical step, so you avoid the 'overwhelm' of information that most first-timers feel when their desire is so strong but they don't know where to begin. Rome wasn't built in a day. :-)
At this point, are you WORRIED that you might have to experience some of the following events: (You Won't!)
Sell products you don't believe in to strangers?

Coax your friends and family to join some Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scheme?

Attend boring (or expensive) seminars ?

Borrow or invest a large sum of money to get started?

Visit lawyers and pay hefty start-up fees?

Hire some computer genius to teach you how to operate an E-Business?

Or some other similar not-fun actions?

Forget all of that nonsense. You won't have to endure those unpleasantries at all! My ebook is just a step-by-step breakdown on how to start up a small business in the quickest, easiest way possible... and how to turn it into a thriving and successful home-based powerhouse.

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #3 - Internet Marketing Starts Here
Includes Master Resell Rights!

"Sack Your Boss And Write Your Own Paycheck By Following The Proven System Written By The Guy Who Made It!"

I don't want to brag or anything, but I've made a lot of money online.

With a little bit of help, I pretty much taught myself Internet Marketing and I've been making money online ever since.

Sound surprised? Well, you shouldn't be. Internet Marketing isn't difficult to learn and it isn't difficult to do correctly.

I learnt it out of necessity, which they say is the mother of all inventions.

When I graduated high school, my parents were so proud of me. They promised me long ago that if I did well in school, that they would figure out a way to send me to any college I wanted. I studied hard and got into the school of my dreams and even though my parents could barely afford it, they held up their end of the bargain and found a way to send me.

As soon as I got to college, I realized that I was going to need more money than what my parents could afford to survive. With all the drinking, dating, socializing, eating and school books that were necessary, I knew that I needed to supplement my income.

I knew I needed a job, but I didn't want to spend my time flipping burgers or working retail. My schedule was too busy for those types of jobs anyway. I knew I could make the money I needed online, I only needed to learn how.

I actually assumed that I didn't even need to know exactly how things worked online to make money. I figured that if everyone else was making money online, that I could figure it out on my own.

Boy was I wrong.

I spent most of the next two months trying different ways to make money and each different method I tried ended up the same way. With me losing more money than I made.

I knew that there were dozens of Internet Marketing guides available, but I thought that I knew too much to waste my money buying a product that probably wouldn't teach me much of anything. I never gave the guarantee any thought either. It never occurred to me that if I bought the book and it didn't end up teaching me anything, that I could just return it for a full refund.

After two months of not making any money online, I had no choice. I had to buy a product or I would have had to stop enjoying my college lifestyle and start working somewhere that I would hate. As much as you probably hate your job, there's no hate quite like slaving over a hot deep fryer while your friends are enjoying their college life. I knew that failure wasn't an option.

I broke down and bought a guide to Internet Marketing and you know what? I was right. It was garbage. I returned it almost immediately.

I wasn't going to be scared off though. As soon as I returned the first eBook, I bought a second. The second book was slightly better than the first, but still not great. I returned that book too. The third book I bought was better than the second, so I didn't return it, but the fourth was worse than the first. The fifth book was the best of all, but it still wasn't great. The sixth and seventh were ok, but the eight is really where I found some great information.

After a couple of days of reading and taking notes (a skill I had just learnt thanks to my college education), I had a fairly good idea of how to make money online, so I decided to start putting my newfound knowledge to use.

My online business didn't go quite as smoothly as I'd love you to believe, but things ended up working out alright. The eBooks I bought were good enough to give me a basic idea of how things worked, but I had to figure out the nuances and the details on my own. Once I figured those details out though, things started booming. It seemed with every new month, my business seemed to double until one day it started tripling. After that, things just sort of took off on their own.

Eventually, I was able to hire someone to do my work for me, which freed up enough of my time to enjoy college properly.

It was only a month ago, on the anniversary of this story, did I start to think back about how I got started. I realize now what I didn't realize then, that there is a serious lack of quality introductory eBooks for Internet Marketing.

So, as a gift to everyone for my anniversary, I wrote the simplest, most comprehensive and easiest to follow guide to Internet Marketing. I call it Internet Marketing Starts Here.

Internet Marketing Starts Here Will Teach You...
Which Aspect Of Internet Marketing You Can Do Successfully!

How To Avoid The Common Pitfalls So You Can See A Profit Right Away!

What The Secret Is That Will Let You Jump Past The First Couple Months Of Losing Money!

How To Start Out For Free!

How To Create An Action Plan That Will Work For You!

How To Spend Money To Make Sure You Make Money!

Think You Have What It Takes To Turn Your Online Hobby Into An Online Business?
Everyday, hundreds of people plug their computer into the internet and decide that they are going to become the next internet millionaire. Of those hundreds of people, only a select handful will actually succeed in making more than a couple of pennies. The difference though between those that make lose more money than they make and those that make Internet Marketing into a career is surprisingly slim.

Internet Marketing isn't a natural science, you don't need to go to school for years to make money. You don't need to learn by example or take an internship at a successful firm. The only thing you need to do to make money consistently is find someone to point you in the right direction.

Online Marketing is very logical. If you stop to think about what you're doing, making money online makes sense. Nevertheless, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. You can figure it out on your own, but unless you get very lucky and figure it out the first time, the learning curve can be a very long and expensive process. Let me cut through the process and show you how to do things correctly right now.

Like I said before, there are hundreds, if not thousands of eBooks dedicated to teaching you how to make money online. With so many options, how can you know which eBooks are worth their weight in gold and which aren't even worth the paper they could be printed out on?

No Where Else Can You Learn These Methods Correctly!

Only with the Internet Marketing Starts Here can you properly learn the methods that are guaranteed to teach you how to make money quickly and easily. I've read every single how-to guide I could find and not one has as much information packed into one book as Internet Marketing Starts Here does.

With Internet Marketing Starts Here you will learn the exact methods that I use to routinely make four figures every single month. No other eBook opens up a business so completely to show you the nuances that make the difference between making money and creating frustration.

If you still have hair on your head, don't pull it out learning something that I can teach you in just a couple of hours. Internet Marketing Starts Here will teach you everything you need to know about Internet Marketing without confusing you or talking over your head. Even if you've never used PayPal or if you know absolutely nothing about building a website, you can make money in a very short period of time.

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #4 - Profiting From Crap Advertising
Includes Master Resell Rights!

"They Laughed At Me When I Told Them I Make $3,300 Each Month From The Crappiest Advertising On The Internet”

Are You A Frustrated Internet Marketer Looking To Make A Full Time Living Online? Finally, Here Is A Step-By-Step Plan That You Can Follow And Copy That Almost Guarantees Success... Keep Reading To Learn How.

It's true! Each month Steve consistently puts $3,300 or more in his pocket by simply using what other marketers have declared to be the most awful forms of advertising that you can possibly imagine:

FFA Sites


Message Boards

Traffic Exchanges

Do these advertising methods sound familiar?

I'm sure YOU'VE used all of them... but never even made a single dime for your efforts...

The sad part is you probably don't have ONE CLUE WHY.

Well, I'm going to tell you why... It's because you haven't discovered the profitable secrets to making these advertising methods work like I have... the secret that I've kept to myself for over 5 years.

Until now...

Discover The Power Of Crap Advertising!

I've put together a profitable blueprint (no fluff) on EXACTLY how to use these 4 pieces of advertising "crap".

Everything you need to know to start earning a steady monthly income just like I have, has all been laid out for you - step by simple step.

After you have my system in place, it only takes a few hours each week to maintain.

My methods are quick, easy and painless!

Inside my guide you'll discover...

How To Turn Worthless FFA Pages Into Consistent Sales...

How To Find The Top Safelists Where Prospects Actually Read Their Emails...

How To Have YOUR Ad Stand Out In Crowded Message Boards And Know Just When To Post...

How To Build A Massive Opt In List With Traffic Exchanges For Close To Nothing...

Start Building A Full Time Income Now...

Look...I have dedicated 5 years of my marketing life to conquering these beasts. I've done the hard work. All YOU have to do is follow the steps.

I've laid this book out in easy to follow and simple English. I have even included screen shots inside the guide so there is absolutely no confusion.

You're probably thinking that 5 years of my life and a potential $3,300 a month income is going to cost you through the nose but...

You can download your copy of this one of a kind guide today for a measly one time investment of only $XX!

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #5 - Firesale Profits Revealed
Includes Private Label Rights!

Discover the Firesale Secrets You Need to Know to Generate MASSIVE Piles of Cash on the Internet in No Time!

Dear friend,

One of the hottest marketing trends on the Internet right now is the Firesale.

And I should know … this cutting-edge marketing technique made me over $7,000 online in just January of this year alone … after I lost my bank card and needed money fast!

And I’m not the only one who has profited recently from Firesales:

One well-known marketer made $21,000 in ONE DAY with his firesale!

Three lesser-known marketers worked together to make $69,000 in ONE WEEK with their special firesale!

And another marketer made $42,000 with his week-long firesale!

And there are many, many more success stories that I could mention. And that’s why I firmly believe, that if you haven’t held your own firesale yet, you are missing out on a terrific opportunity to make HUGE profits online!

This marketing technique is on fire and is producing the amounts of cash we all dream about making on the Internet!

But with this technique being so hot right now, marketers are understandably being pretty tight-lipped about it as those that understand it want to keep all the profits for themselves!

But luckily for you I’m not one of those tight-lipped “grinches.” I believe there are enough profits out there for all of us and that’s why I’ve created my new ebook, “Firesale Profits Revealed!”

At Last! You Can Discover the Real Secrets to Creating a Firesale That Sends Profits Flooding into Your Bank Account 24/7!

This information-packed yet concise and easy-to-read ebook reveals step-by-easy-step how anyone, no matter what their Internet experience, can make BIG profits online by holding a firesale!

In fact, you’re sure to be amazed at how easy it is to make money with this marketing technique!

Now take a look at just some of what you will learn from my ebook:

Firesale basics – including exactly what you need to know to make money with one!

The success secrets of the Internet’s hottest firesale marketers – and how to use these secrets to ensure your own firesale will produce profits beyond your wildest expectations!

How to setup your own firesale and begin generating mountains of profits immediately – you’ll be surprised – and thrilled – at how easy it is to do when you follow my simple tips!

3 essential features all firesales must have in order to generate cash profits like crazy!

The two important phases of each firesale and how to milk maximum profits from each stage!

2 things to keep in mind when setting up your firesale – failure to keep these in mind could result in a great deal of frustration and disappointment later on!

3 unique ways to turn any firesale into a virtual money-printing machine!

And much, much more!

Don’t Miss Out on this Exciting Opportunity to Start Profiting From Firesales!

Firesales are such a hit all over the world because everyone who comes across one wants to take advantage of its offer for fear of losing out on such a great bargain.

It is human nature to want things at a discounted price, and firesales target this instinct, making people buy things on impulse even though they might not immediately require the things they are buying.

And now you have the perfect opportunity to learn all about this profit-producing markeing technique through my convenient, inexpensive guide!

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #6 - PPC Marketing For Beginners
Includes Private Label Rights!

“Who Else Wants to Discover How to Use PPC Marketing to Skyrocket Your Leads & Explode Your Sales in No Time?”

Dear friend,

A solid understanding of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing can be the edge you need to beat your competition and make REAL profits in today’s competitive Internet marketplace.

And fortunately for you, it’s never been easier to go from “newbie” to “PPC expert” thanks to my new ebook, “PPC Marketing for Beginners.”

Discover How to Make Your Business Really “Click!”

As Google, Yahoo and MSN all grow more and more complex, even marketers who have been using pay-per-click marketing for years are now having trouble managing their PPC accounts.

So what hope does a beginner have of figuring it all out?

Well, thanks to my new concise, yet comprehensive ebook, you can now discover everything you need to know to succeed with PPC marketing from one easy-to-read, less than 20 page guide!

It’s true.

Here’s just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing ebook:

How to start your own highly profitable PPC campaign in seven easy steps – you’ll be amazed at how easy it really is to do when you follow my simple tips!

4 benefits of PPC marketing – and how to ensure you experience each and every one of them!

7 things to consider when planning your PPC campaigns – follow these tips and your success is virtually guaranteed!

The real unvarnished truth about PPC marketing – you want the truth? You got it … discover 6 PPC pros and 5 PPC cons so you can decide once and for all if PPC marketing really is or isn’t for you!

How exactly PPC marketing increases traffic, leads and sales – what you read here is sure to surprise you!

How to create profitable PPC campaign after profitable PPC campaign – it’s not nearly as hard you might imagine … discover the secrets here!

PPC bid management techniques that ensure your campaigns will never be costly, time consuming or unprofitable – start using these simple step-by-step procedures and you are sure to find PPC to be a welcome change to your traditional advertising methods!

How to use “Bid gaps” to maximize your PPC profits – plus, the real key to PPC marketing success!

How to get your hands on a completely free PPC appraisal program – this amazing software program automatically traces your PPC income by the second … leaving you free to concentrate on other important business matters!

How to choose a PPC affiliate program that will send your Internet profits soaring through the roof – if you want to take your earnings to the next level, then you must read this!

And much, much more!

Here’s Something Every Beginner Needs to Know: Just Having a Website is Not Enough to Succeed Today …

You have to expose your website. Make it known. It has to be visible. It has to be frequently targeted by consumers and surfers.

In other words, you have to invest in marketing your Internet site. There are basically two options available to you: SEO and PPC.

But which is right for you and your business?

Get my ebook today and discover how PPC compares to SEO as well as how to determine which approach will produce the most profits for you!

So What Are You Waiting For? Order Your Copy of “PPC Marketing for Beginners” Today!

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #7 - Free Traffic For Broke Marketers
Includes Master Resell Rights!

When I First Started Out Online I was SO BROKE The Only Way I Could Drive Traffic To My Sites Was By Using FREE Traffic Techniques.. Turned Out That FREE Was Also BEST!!

When I first got started in Internet Marketing I was so broke I had to find ways of driving quality traffic to my websites for free.

Years later I STILL use the very same techniques to provide some of my very best quality traffic, which results in sale after sale, every single month!

Listen - If you don't have good targeted traffic you're unlikely to get many sales.

When I started out I put a lot of work into my sales pages, my products, customer service and delivery systems. I didn't pay nearly enough attention to my traffic.

The result was hardly any sales, and me going through the Job ads in my local paper because I wasn't earning anywhere near enough to pay my rent let alone pay for food.

It's a good analogy actually - traffic IS food for your website. Without it, it's just die off.

You NEED sales to be an Internet Marketer - Fact.

And you need traffic to get sales.

But what happens if you can barely afford to pay your monthly hosting fees let alone fork out for expensive ezine ads or even webpage classifieds?

Well you have two choices.

Either stop trying to make it online, OR

Do like I did and get to grips with the FREE traffic secrets that every broke marketer needs to know in order to stay in the game.

And the best part is that some of my traffic generating methods create BETTER and MORE TARGETED traffic than some of the hugely expensive ads that many people waste money on.


The truth of the matter is that FREE traffic doesn't have to mean POOR QUALITY traffic. In fact, quite the reverse is true in terms of this book.

I've had MORE sales from the traffic generated using my free methods than I have from Ads that I've paid over $200 for.

The proof is in the bank - I USE the methods in 'Free Traffic For Broke Marketers' every single day, yet I rarely pay for ads any more even though I can easily afford to.

It's a simple fact - The FREE traffic generation methods in this book work better for me than any paid marketing I've ever used.

I'll tell you:

How to get traffic to your websites for FREE - as often as you like and whenever you like

How the worst kept secret about traffic driving could be your BEST money maker.

Why PLR can be your best friend or your worst enemy (find out which) when driving traffic

The surefire methods to ensure that your articles get published by ALL directories

The main mistakes that most broke marketers make when trying to attract free traffic

The TRUTH about backlinks

Google - Friend or foe to the broke marketer? - what you really NEED to know

How to get other people to drive traffic to your sites while you earn the money

The one simple traffic technique that can vastly increase your site visits

The 'secret' Google trick that tells you who can help you and who to stay away from

and much more....

You will have to put some work into driving traffic to your websites - this isn't a magic potion - but what you WON'T have to do is pay for it.

Your chance of online success increases greatly if you don't have the expense of paying for your traffic - it means that every cent you DO earn can be either put back into your business OR used to meet your living expenses if you decide you want to quit your 9-5 job.

And let's face it - your business isn't going anywhere if nobody sees your website - you need traffic to survive online.

So why not combine the two and grab my free traffic methods, which also happen to be my BEST methods?

You could spend a long time researching what works and what doesn't work in terms of free traffic. Or you could just grab this book now and stop wasting time that you could be spending on your business?

Download this instantly and start generating free traffic NOW.

Resell Value Of $9-$27!

Terms And License

[YES] Includes Sales Page
[YES] Can sell without rights
[YES] Can sell with basic resell or master resell rights
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
[YES] Can be included in a membership site
[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #8 - Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked
Includes Master Resell Rights!

I Learned These Secrets by mistake...

These internet marketing secrets have given me a nice monthly income when my business should've bombed!

Now i'm sharing them with you..

You might think you know a lot about Internet Marketing (I certainly did).

You might think you know some of the ‘tricks of the trade’ that make the difference between $1,000 a month and $10,000 as an Internet Marketer.


It’s the difference between learning to speak a ‘little’ French at school and living in Paris for five years.

I struggled for some time to make a living online – and then suddenly, without warning everything got easier. The sales started coming in…fast.

My bank account grew and I realized I was on to something.

There was only one problem.

I didn’t have a CLUE why things had changed. I had no idea why my business had suddenly gone from a struggling one or two thousand dollar a month ‘hobby’ to a real monthly income…and for LESS WORK.

So did I spend weeks looking at my business methods to find out why things had suddenly and dramatically changed beyond my wildest dreams?

Did I hire a management consultant to examine, in fine detail, every aspect of my Internet Marketing methods to find out why my income had increased tenfold each and every month?


I carried on like this, not for weeks or months but for YEARS, enjoying my profits but not having EVEN THE REMOTEST IDEA of why they’d suddenly rocketed into profit hyperspace.

Hey – if it ain’t broke don’t fix it right?

Time passed and my profits increased. If you’re looking for a rags to riches to rags story you’re reading the wrong website, because my profits have stayed in orbit.

The only difference is that you’re about to read about a genuine case of someone (me) STUMBLING OVER WHAT I THINK ARE THE SECRETS TO ONLINE SUCCESS.


I had no burning desire to find unlock this secret – after all my profits were good and showed no sign of slacking off.


Luckily fate stepped in, and I stumbled my way into guaranteed internet marketing success…forever if that’s what I want…purely because I now know how to use the "Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked" I’m about to reveal to you.
Here's how it happened:

I’d hired a ghostwriter to document some of my money-making methods with a view to publishing them in my newsletter, ebooks and blog.

While I was editing her work, I noticed certain techniques were included in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my successful sales pages.

Sales pages that I’d built that hadn’t made much money were ones that DIDN’T contain these methods.

This is when I realized I’d stumbled on something very exciting.

I experimented and put together a great product and a great sales page and did everything I usually did except for one thing. I left out my ‘trade secrets’ – my INTERNET MARKETING SECRETS UNLOCKED.

The site….BOMBED.

I failed.

I’d done everything as I usually would except for using my 'tricks of the trade' and my site failed miserably. It hit me like a train! The key to my success was my "Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked".

Now I don’t use all the techniques in this book all the time, but I do use SOME of them all the time.

I’ve not added any padding or fluff in this book – I’m going to take you straight to the meat and bones of what I firmly believe can be a life, and income changing read for you.

There are certain triggers, pushes and manipulations that vastly increase the amount of sales you will make. These are used on the most successful websites in Internet Marketing.

You won’t find them on little sites that don’t make any money.

But you will have to use them to jump onto the wealth bandwagon…and trust me - you will once you see how hugely successful they can make your business, and (let’s be blunt) how much money you can make from them.

Welcome to the inner circle guys…..I’m about to hand you the key to open the secrets of successful Internet Marketing…

Here are just some examples of the business-saving, life changing information that you will find inside this book:

The guru’s secret of unlimited products – often for free – that is staring you in the face, ready to be accessed whenever you wish
Page 7

The launch success guarantee that is also a fast-cash generator
Page 10

The three pricing steps that ensures anyone reading your sales page will go straight to the payment button without thinking
Page 13

The BIGGEST Marketing Secrets Unlocked method to earning money online, and exactly how to do it for maximum profit
Page 15

The highly Marketing Secret Unlocked method used by many gurus to launch their biggest and best money making ideas
Page 18

The STUNNING Marketing Secrets Unlocked method that the gurus fight to keep hidden. I used this and watched how my income increased five times….and there’s NO LIMIT to it.
Page 21/22

The one little change to any sales page that will almost ensure people buy from you
Page 24

Why gurus REALLY give out free reports (hint – it’s something they really don't want you to know)
Page 26

How REAL bum marketers let other people do the work while they back the profits
Page 26

The squeeze page truth…and how to get top marketers to show you their secrets. For free
Page 31

Become an SEO expert in minutes once you know about this Marketing Secrets Unlocked method – even if you don’t know what SEO is.
Page 33

Make a killing selling low price products, and why the experts have been lying to you about to stop you doing this.
Page 38

The Marketing Secrets Unlocked method that gives you the secret to how the big guys in marketing REALLY make their money
Page 40

Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked methods aren’t magic – although if you use them you might start to think they are.

What they ARE, are deadly-effective ways of absolutely maximizing a profit from everything you do online.

I’m telling you now – looking you in the eye - and TELLING you that Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked have made a huge difference to my online business.

Without me being aware of it, using some of these methods kept my business afloat when it should really have failed miserably, but now using ALL of these remarkable Internet Marketing Secrets Unlocked methods in my business has increased my income to a level I couldn’t have even dreamed about in the past.

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

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[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #9 - Killer Video Conversions
Includes Master Resell Rights!

Finally, The Missing Link In The Video Marketing Arsenal. How You Can Turn Viewers Into Do-ers!

"Discover The 7 Brutally Effective, Secret Video Techniques That Literally Force Viewers Away From YouTube And Straight To Your Website...
...Time After Time!"

If you finally want to 'cash in' from the YouTube gravy train...
If you want to turn casual viewers into frenzied, wallet-waving buyers...
If you want a simple step-by-step formula for cranking out winning, profitable videos every time...
...then please keep reading. This is something you'll be very interested in.

Dear Fellow Video Marketer,

Just a few short months ago, I was really struggling to get to grips with YouTube marketing.

Perhaps you are, too.

I'd seen what seemed like every video marketing guide on the net, followed each of them to the letter, and yet consistently fallen flat on my face.

I mean, my results were plain embarrassing. Time and again I'd spend countless, painstaking hours crafting the perfect video, carefully watermarking my website address across it, upload...

...and sit back waiting eagerly for the inevitable flood of traffic, the gazillions of fresh subscribers. The cash in the bank.

It never came.

The traffic was more like a trickle than a flood.

The subscribers were so scarce, I didn't even bother using an auto-responder - I wrote them back personally.

And the cash? Don't make me laugh.

It was soul-destroying. But, deep down, I knew that YouTube was a massive money-making opportunity. I knew that a few savvy marketers had stumbled across the secrets to driving ravenous traffic to their websites on demand. And to be honest...

"...I Wanted A Piece Of The Action"

So I set about studying, experimenting, testing and tweaking. I spent early mornings and late nights watching video after video after video. I saw the hot, the not, and the downright rot.

And if I ever have to watch "Chocolate Rain" again, I swear I won't be responsible for my actions...

But slowly, it began to dawn on me. I noticed that some videos just compelled me - literally forced me - to leave YouTube and visit the author's website. Almost like I had no choice in the matter. And in many cases, I became their latest customer.

Some had millions of views, others just a few hundred, but they all had the same effect, and crucially, they all followed the same formula.

And guess what? It turns out the formula is drop-dead easy to follow...

More about that in a moment.

"Big Mistake..."

See, most video marketers make one huge mistake. And I'll tell you what it is right now...

They focus too much of their efforts 'going viral'.

There, I said it.

They also try and teach you how to do the same. They reckon the only way you'll conquer YouTube is to get scary amounts of views.

Well, That's all fine and dandy...but the truth is, no-one - not even the so-called gurus - can predict what's gonna take off like gangbusters in the mass-market...even in niche markets.

Think about this...

If someone told you a couple of decades ago that a small, multicolored cube would become the world's best selling toy, what would you have said?

If that same person told you a few years later that some rotating blocks, falling down a tiny screen, would kick-start a videogame revolution, you'd probably have laughed at them.

In 2008 the Rubiks Cube and Tetris are cultural, and commercial icons. Unbelievable!

Thing is, one predictable thing about viral marketing is its unpredictability. And that - in my book - spells hard to achieve.

So if you want yet another hard-to-repeat, pie-in-the-sky process, with hit-and-miss results...then, thanks for reading, but please go look at some other offer. This one's not for you.

If, however, you want a simple step-by-step formula for creating genuine, easy success - Please stick around.

Here's the kicker...the missing piece of the puzzle. Your videos can be hugely successful - and highly profitable - even if they don't get many views.

You don't need a huge audience.

The simple truth is...all you need to do is turn viewers into do-ers. Make them follow your commands.

What's better? A video that a million people see and ignore. Or a video that gets a tiny audience of one thousand, yet sends 700 of them running to your website?

Exactly. And what if you could crank out powerfully effective videos in a few minutes, just by following a simple formula? How many would you make?

Sounds good, doesn't it?

And that's the should be easy and predictable. Rinse and repeatable...

"The 7 Simple Steps To Killer Video Conversions"

That's all there is to it?

Yup, just add these 7 key ingredients to your next video, and I guarantee your visitors will be ditching YouTube and flying straight to your website faster than a nun on a skateboard!

Here's the deal...

Because Killer Video Conversions is so ridiculously easy to follow, it weighs it at a little under 25 pages. It's no textbook. Just solid facts that'll turn your video viewers into do-ers.

You'll see me analyse the emotional triggers in one of my recent videos which has a massive [red]70%[/red] conversion rate. That is, for every 100 views I get on YouTube, I get roughtly 70 new, highly targeted visitors to my website.

...and get this. I recorded that video in just over 5 minutes!

Here's what else you'll discover:

How To Correctly Craft Your Title: It stands to reason...You won't get any visitors if nobody watches your video. Copy the psychological strings I pull to suck people (page 9)

Don't Fight _____ ______, How To Use It Your Advantage: One of the simplest, yet brutally effective ways to increase your conversions is to make your visitors ______! (page 11)

A Criminally Under-Used, Yet Strikingly Powerful Technique: Force viewers to your stealing this method, dating back to the silent picture era (page 12)

3 Reasons Why 'Watermarking' Your Videos Isn't As Effective As You Might Think, And What You Can Do About It: Willie Crawford called this 'Brilliant' when he saw it... (page 13)

Using _________ Gets Eyeballs. Lots Of Them: Apart from a slideshow of semi-naked Swedish models, this is just about the quickest way to get people talking about your videos! (page 14)

Why You Should ______ The ______ From More Popular Videos: This is a no-brainer. Don't even think about uploading a video until you do this (page 16)

I Even Talk About Some White & Grey-Hat Ways To Improve Your Traffic: Do they pass the test? (page 20)

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

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[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with other products
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[NO] Can be given away

Info Product #10 - Video Blogging Profits
Includes Private Label Rights!

Finally! Video Blogging Explained …

How To Create A Simple Video Blog And Use It To Generate Profits!

Dear Friend,

Have you been thinking of breaking into the world of blogging but are afraid to try something in new. Perhaps you have been experimenting with Google Adsense, affiliate programs, and other sales programs without success.

I know how hard it is to start something new especially after I have tried and failed with so many different money making ventures. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get enthusiastic about a new profit generating venture only to be disappointed in the long run.

Many methods and guides I have used are either incomplete or require more time and money than I can comfortably invest in an Internet venture. These days I am extremely skeptical of ventures even when I am assured by experienced Internet entrepreneurs that the method will work. I am always afraid that I will get caught up in some new “fad” that will fizzle out in a few months.

The truth is that a new form of blogging, video blogging, is becoming the next big thing. Video blogs, also called vlogs, are becoming popular with people of all ages and while many considered them a fad they are far from it. Hundreds of thousands of people have started watching vlogs for pleasure.

With the growth in technology it has become easier for people of all ages and backgrounds to upload the latest video posts on their computers, iPhones, iPods, PDAs, and more.

Why not profit for Vlogging?

With so many people enjoying videos uploaded by everyday people why not use this growing phenomenon to make money. Imagine easily creating your own video and then actually making money with it!

Videos are taking over the Internet and are quickly replacing many forms of online communication and entertainment. There are a wide variety of video sharing websites and online communities all dedicated to helping users find videos on all subjects. Many famous people have even gone so far as to stop typing traditional online diary updates and have instead decided to upload videos for their friends and fans to view.

The idea of actually profiting from videos might seem ridiculous or impractical but think of the world we live in. Most of us carry digital cameras with us all day every day in the form of cell phones that can be used to record short videos. These videos can then be easily uploaded to a wide variety of video sharing websites or your own blog. How easy is that?

Plus think of the millions of people that live to see the next video uploaded online. Voyeurs have taken over the Internet and there are thousands of people waiting to watch whatever you upload. Why not take advantage of the popularity of video sharing to make money.

No More Excuses! It's Time To Start a Vlog!

There is absolutely no reason why you can't start profiting from your videos and a video blog today. Whatever excuses you might have had in the past to keep you from creating videos or a website no longer exist.

Over the past five years the world wide web has undergone many changes. All of these changes have made it easier for individuals like you to start up a website for little or no cost!

Have you worried about spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on hosting? Now hosting plans are cheap or even FREE! Were you concerned with the cost of an expensive camcorder for video? Now most digital cameras and even cell phones are affordable and capture clear, high quality video Were you afraid of spending thousands of dollars on a website design?

These days you can find hundreds of free templates that will help you create a professional website in no time.

Did you consider everything already mention and held off only because you were afraid viewers would be unable to load a site filled with videos? Now you can relax! Most Internet surfers use high speed Internet in the form of Broadband, DSL, and Cable Internet connection.

If you have ever considered starting a video blog or website to profit you now have NO MORE EXCUSES!

In my ebook, Video Blogging for Profits, I will show you step by step how to benefit from your own video blog. I will show you everything you need to know to get your own website set up without investing hundreds or thousands of dollars in equipment and fees.

This detailed ebook will make it easy for you set up a video blog and it is free of technical language making it extremely easy to understand. By using this ebook you will be able to profit right away since you will not have to worry about recouping extensive investment costs!

If you have ever considered starting your own video blog but did not want to waste time learning about the world of blogging, marketing, and income generation this ebook is especially suited to you.

2 Great Benefits

1) How to Set Up a Vlog

My ebook will tell you how too quickly, easily, and most of all affordably set up your own vlog. Even if you have never owned a blog or a website you will be able to understand these instructions. You will be carefully guided step by step through the entire process.

2) How to Get Free Traffic

I will tell you many different ways to get free traffic to your new video blog. The methods that I will show you do not involve any search engine trickery. These methods will help you get unique visits from real Internet users completely free of charge.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

Which individuals started out video blogging only to end up famous.

The steps needed to have your own video blog up and running in no time flat without any technical experience.

How to get your first video made and ready to post to your new video blog in virtually no time.

The best way to create video content that will make your video blog popular with surfers and subscribers.

Different ways to take video and edit the video to be placed on your new video blog.

The best ways to get high quality equipment for deeply discounted prices.

How to use video blogging to establish or increase affiliate sales and sign ups.

How to use video blogs to create a higher click through rate on ad campaigns.

Ways to get others to pay you for creating your video posts.

How to use video blogs to create entirely new streams of income.

And a lot more!

How Much Is That Worth To You?

I've spent a lot of time studying and trying blogging and video blogging. I have found, through trial and error, what methods work and which methods are a waste of time. More importantly I learned which methods were wastes of money!

All of this research has helped me create a steady source of income that I am extremely satisfied with.

After watching many individuals try to create their own video blog only to fail I have decided to share my knowledge. I want to help you and anyone else that has dreamed of owning a profitable video blog get one started without investing a great deal of money or wasting valuable time.

Now, for only $17 you can benefit from the knowledge it has taken me years to acquire. You might be reluctant to spend any money on information that you feel you can find yourself but take some time and think things through.

Do you really want to try one of those free websites out there that promise you a free blog that will let you upload videos?

While some of them will give you the results you desire many will leave you frustrated and disappointed. Do you really want to go through all of the free blogging platforms in an attempt to find the right one? Why not let me help you instead.

Do you want to spend money on a PAID blogging platform that will also promise you the moon only to get disappointed? Of course not. You might be thinking that few blogging sites will take your money promising you a video blog only to fail to deliver but you are mistaken. Unfortunately, many platforms will disappoint you by not allowing video uploads.

If you do manage to find a good blogging platform to use and figure out how to create a video on your own will know how to edit it or what the do's and don'ts of video blogging are?

Even if you manage to get a video blog up and running smoothly how do you expect to profit from it? First of all you will need a professional or unique video blog design. There are many companies and individuals that will promise the best but my ebook will tell you the best places to find free blog themes.

It will also tell you the best places to find customized blog themes for extremely low prices.

If you do not care about how your blog looks do you care about getting traffic? Starting out do you really want to spend all day everyday struggling to get a few visitors to come to your video blog? My ebook will show you how to get thousands of daily hits completely free of charge. One source I show you will provide you with hundreds all on its own.

Now that you have thought things through why waste your time and money testing out methods that I have already tried? Instead benefit from my knowledge and get started without any further problems. I've done all the leg work for you!

When it comes to making money with your video blog my tried and true methods will blow you away. The methods I show you are all extremely to implement and by taking advantage of them you will create a handsome daily income that will only increase as your traffic increases

If you are already experimenting with income generation methods such as Adsense and other pay per click programs this ebook will show you how video blogging can and will increase your click through rate and page impression rate. It will also show you how to use video blogs to increase affiliate sales and even Ebay sales!

The income possibilities of video blogging are nearly endless and my ebook will make it easier for you to get started. Why waste your time searching for ways to profit from your video blog when there are many tried and true methods. With this ebook you will be able to quickly start up a video blog and you will be able to use it sell nearly anything!

Resell Value Of $27-$47!

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